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The Origins of Cmhiyet and Community in Old Arabic Cultures



The concept of community has always been a fundamental aspect of human society, providing a sense of belonging, support, and shared purpose. In old Arabic cultures, this idea was embodied in the concept of “Cmhiyet.” This term, though not widely recognized today, played a crucial role in shaping social structures and relationships in ancient Arabic societies. This article explores the origins of Cmhiyet, its significance, and its impact on community dynamics in old Arabic cultures.


Understanding the roots of community dynamics in old Arabic cultures requires delving into the concept of Cmhiyet. This term encapsulates the essence of communal living, collective responsibility, and mutual support that characterized early Arabic societies. By examining the historical context and various aspects of Cmhiyet, we can gain a deeper appreciation of its enduring influence.

The Concept of Cmhiyet

Cmhiyet, derived from the Arabic word “جماعة” (jama’a), meaning group or congregation, refers to the collective identity and solidarity of a community. It emphasizes the importance of mutual aid, shared responsibilities, and collective decision-making. Cmhiyet was not just a social construct but a way of life that permeated various aspects of society.

Historical Context

The origins of Cmhiyet can be traced back to pre-Islamic Arabia, a time when tribal affiliations and kinship were paramount. Communities were organized around tribes, each with its own distinct identity and social norms. The harsh desert environment necessitated cooperation and interdependence, laying the groundwork for the concept of Cmhiyet.

The Role of Cmhiyet in Society

Social Cohesion

Cmhiyet played a pivotal role in fostering social cohesion. It created a sense of belonging and identity among community members, strengthening bonds and reducing conflicts. The emphasis on collective well-being over individual interests ensured that everyone had a stake in the community’s prosperity.

Economic Cooperation

Economic activities in old Arabic cultures were often communal. From agriculture to trade, cooperation was essential for survival and success. Cmhiyet facilitated the pooling of resources, shared labor, and collective decision-making, enhancing economic stability and resilience.

Cultural Preservation

Cmhiyet was instrumental in preserving cultural heritage and traditions. Oral storytelling, poetry, and communal rituals were integral parts of community life, passed down through generations. This collective cultural identity reinforced the sense of belonging and continuity.

Cmhiyet and Tribal Structures

Tribal structures were the backbone of old Arabic societies, and Cmhiyet was intricately linked to these formations. Each tribe had its own Cmhiyet, which defined social roles, responsibilities, and relationships. Tribal leaders, known as sheikhs, played a central role in maintaining order and resolving disputes within the framework of Cmhiyet.

Religious Influence on Cmhiyet

The advent of Islam in the 7th century CE brought significant changes to the concept of community in Arabic cultures. Islamic teachings emphasized the ummah, a global community of believers, which complemented and sometimes superseded traditional tribal Cmhiyet. The principles of brotherhood, charity, and mutual support in Islam reinforced the values of Cmhiyet.

Comparative Analysis with Modern Concepts

Modern concepts of community and social organization have evolved, but parallels can still be drawn with Cmhiyet. Contemporary notions of social networks, cooperatives, and communal living echo the principles of mutual support and collective responsibility that defined Cmhiyet.

The Decline of Cmhiyet

With the advent of modernization, urbanization, and globalization, traditional structures like Cmhiyet have declined. Individualism and centralized governance have replaced communal decision-making and mutual aid, altering the social fabric of Arabic societies.

Legacy of Cmhiyet in Contemporary Society

Despite its decline, the legacy of Cmhiyet endures in various forms. Family ties, neighborhood communities, and cultural associations continue to reflect the values of collective support and shared identity. In times of crisis, such as natural disasters or economic hardships, the spirit of Cmhiyet often resurfaces, demonstrating its enduring relevance.


The concept of Cmhiyet provides valuable insights into the communal dynamics of old Arabic cultures. It highlights the importance of collective identity, mutual support, and shared responsibilities in shaping social structures. Understanding Cmhiyet not only enriches our knowledge of history but also offers lessons for building cohesive and resilient communities in the modern world.

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